Cemetery Files

The cemetery files are the principal series in BACSA’s archive in the British Library, and there is a file for almost all the cemeteries known to BACSA. The cemeteries are listed below by geographical area. Click on the relevant area below to see the list.

Theon Wilkinson created a file for any cemetery he knew of in the hope that sooner or later information would come in. And it often has, so if you are lucky you may find any or all of the following on the cemetery which interests you: reports  and photographs of  its condition before and (if there has been repair work) after conservation, lists of burials and inscriptions, and correspondence about the cemetery especially if a conservation project was under consideration. However, some files still contain very little, perhaps only one page noting the cemetery’s existence and a few details about it.

The files sometimes go beyond just cemetery matters: there may also be information on the towns in which they are located, on individuals and families buried in them, indeed on anything which may be of interest. And there are separate series of United Kingdom monumental inscriptions relating to India, family histories, and reference materials: see other archive resources for these.

BACSA will be pleased to receive photographs and reports to add to the archive. Please use the Visitors Report Form. A fresh report on a well visited cemetery will update our information on its condition, while one on a cemetery off the beaten track may well be the first news we have on it. Click here for further advice on visiting cemeteries.


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